Spy Camp
Participants: 10 - 1000 Duration: 60 - 180 min Event Location: Indoor - Outdoor
Spy Camp
The most important rule in our specially designed agent camp is to be a team!
In the stages specially prepared for the teams, each track will consist of tasks with different competencies.
Teams will face dance activity to beetwen the lasers, communication, balance, close combat lessons and different encryption techniques.
Before the teams come to the activity area, they will try to form the teams by analyzing the special envelopes we have prepared for them.
Participants who find the right teams will complete the courses with different competencies we have created for the agent camp and will be eligible to become agents.
We will also have gifts to our successful agents in the agent camp teamwork activity designed specifically for the event.
Of course you can contact us at sales@eddra.az or +994515438658 for detailed information and demo.
- Event Type: Indoor/Outdoor
- The Number Of Participants: 10-1000
- Duration Of Event: 90 min. - 180 min.
- Gains: Communication, Resource Management, Motivation, Coordination, Creativity, Project Planning