Empaty Lego
Participants: 10 - 1000 Duration: 60 - 120 min Event Location: Indoor - Outdoor
Empathy Lego
Time is limited, missions are too hard!
We design company products as a team with legos specially designed for the activity.
Participants who easily design company products may sometimes have to design a metrobus and sometimes a 3D Eiffel tower.
In the fiction we will make in Empati Lego activity, team members are constantly changing tasks and trying to predict and complete the remaining duties of their friends.
The team that uses the creativity, speed and empathy abilities to complete the tasks first, reaches the great award.
Of course you can contact us at sales@eddra.az or +994515438658 for detailed information and demo.
- Event Type: Indoor/Outdoor
- The Number Of Participants: 10-1000
- Duration Of Event: 90 min. - 180 min.
- Gains: Empathy, Communication, Resource Management, Motivation, Coordination, Creativity